Our objective is to see all children receive the care they deserve, and all carers receive the support and training they need. 

We care for those who care for children.

Our program was established to: 

  • recruit carers of all kinds for children in out-of-home care, including foster carers (respite, emergency, restoration, short-term and long term), kinship carers, guardians and adoptive parents
  • provide extra training for carers across the state on topics that will support them in the important role of caring for children
  • support carer support groups and mentor programs
  • provide support for carers via our phone support line and online
  • provide advocacy at a systemic level, as well as individual advocacy as required
  • work closely with the sector to support collaboration for better outcomes for children in care.

Adopt Change launched NSW Government funded My Forever Family NSW (MFF) in mid-2018 and has been supported by various individuals and organisations along the way. Of note are Professor Paul Chandler who chaired the MFF Advisory Committee in the program’s early stages and was a contributor and advisor until 2023; and Continuum Consulting who led a portion of the Carer Training along with participation on the Advisory Committee and contribution to various aspects including carer training planning and content. Continuum Consulting continue to deliver some of the carer training, along with our MFF Carer Support Manager (Training and Resources) and a number of trainers across a range of topics. 

We also acknowledge the contribution of input or collaboration from sector peaks and organisations across the time the program has run, along with the invaluable input from carers via Carer Reference Groups, Carer Support Groups and feedback.

Adopt Change

Adopt Change is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to support and educate families and communities in caring for displaced children (including those in foster care or orphaned) to achieve our vision of a world where all children grow, learn, play and thrive in a safe, nurturing and stable environment. We provide support resources, training, education and programs to work towards achieving this goal. 

Adopt Change recognises the impacts of impermanency and trauma and we support families through workshops and online resources; research; pre- and post-permanency supports; trauma informed supports; information and community events; as well as working with governments, departments and the sector to address issues surrounding stability for children. 

Operating the My Forever Family NSW program has enabled Adopt Change to support more families and children in achieving stability and better life outcomes through trauma-informed care.

My Forever Family NSW  is committed to providing the best support and service to our carers.